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Personal/Spiritual Development Consulting

I am a mentor, spiritual director, facilitator, advocate, leader, trainer and speaker.  I consider all people to be my teachers. I take a person centred approach to therapeutic work and so I suggest tools/methods that may be helpful for healing or development as I listen and converse with clients, tailoring the session to their need. I am meeting primarily with clients in the Central Belt of Scotland. I also have Skype appointments and travel to groups around Scotland - please get in touch if you would like an appointment or for further information.

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What development services am I offering?

Mentoring and Spiritual Direction



-employees or volunteers working for companies, projects or churches
using a variety of listening, relaxation and therapeutic skills




-for individuals who would like to meet with the intention of exploring their understanding and development of spirituality , how it impacts and enhances their daily lives. Again a variety of listening, relaxation and therapeutic skills will be offered to facilitate this process.



 -meetings involving various parties who have issues needing resolved or business to address/work through which requires a neutral facilitator

 -sessions which help staff teams to explore how best to work together by engaging them in a developmental process tailored to their needs.


-on behalf of families who have children/adults with intellectual disabilities:

a) when negotiating strategies to manage  behaviour and discussing programme of activities offered with staff in schools and/or care providers

b) when discussing aspects of care and working through unresolved issues
during meetings involving care providers and social workers

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- Group Sessions, Day or Weekend Retreats using a Personal/Spiritual Development Therapeutic Tool Kit
-‘Enneagram’ Sessions for Groups or Staff Teams looking at how personality types interact and can become more accepting of self, understanding of others and grow to develop a complementary way of being/working together

-Baby Massage Sessions

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Training and Speaking

- For Children and Youth Workers who wish advice about behavioural management strategies,
how to best support staff or help with setting up a therapeutic and fun programme of activities


- Where appropriate I will lead sessions with children and young people directly in schools, churches, groups and clubs

- For Support Workers, Trainee Clergy and Church leaders
who are working with people
who have intellectual disabilities

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What was said after an initial meeting and then quotes about  work undertaken

It was lovely to sit down and talk yesterday; the office staff wondered what was going on such was the hilarity they could hear through the walls! You have such a wealth of community work and support behind you; it was evident from the start that our ethos and way of working with mothers and young families are completely in line. We would be delighted to have you run baby massage classes for the remainder of the block and building up a working relationship so that we can reach out and continue supporting young families.
Parent’s and Pregnancy Centre Co-ordinator

Thanks so much for yesterday! The Team had a fun and enlightening day, and we really appreciated your company and your wisdom. We all found the enneagram fascinating and the additional insight into how we all tick will be invaluable to how we work as a team! Looking forward to getting another date in the diary!

National Vocations Promotions Officer, Church of Scotland 

Personal development and discernment is such an important part of what this year is about and I think you offering your ‘toolkit’ of gifts and skills to them was invaluable. Some interesting discussions too!

 Co-ordinator of Young (American) Adult Volunteer Programme in Priority Areas 

Thanks so much for leading our Enneagram group! It was fabulous! Group really gelled, and appreciated your insights and wisdom. I learnt so much – it was really helpful for me, with a much deeper sense of who I am. It’s been really thought-provoking. Thanks for all you brought to the group.

Church of Scotland Minister in Priority Area

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